1. Thank you so much for a great post Peg! I am focusing on Instagram this month as a platform that needs my attention and this gave me a couple ideas!

  2. Excellent information and tips. Thank you for sharing. I have been on Instagram for art or doodle challenges and would like to incorporate my new blog I am launching. This gave me a few ideas. Thanks again and hope you are having a great weekend.
    Warmest regards,

  3. Very useful tips Peg. You gave me a few ideas on how to build a brand for a client whoยดs just starting out on Instagram. Thank you!
    I look forward to applying them.
    It seems like people and brands are focusing more and more on Instagram lately. Gary Vaynerchuck said in one of his videos: #askgaryvee that Instagram would introduce adds in Fall.

  4. I really like Instagram and I’m glad more and more brands appreciate that tool. I’ve read also some good stuff about Instagram journalism, I think the tool has potential in storytelling. Thanks for great and very practical tips.

  5. I so needed this! Thank you for posting. I am going to start NOW by creating some great images to coincide with the blog post I just posted this morning. – Christie

  6. Thanks for sharing these tips Peg. With the abundance of social media sites, it’s hard to master them all, so I’ve been stuck with Twitter and Facebook for a while. With that said, I will certainly give these a try.

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