
Zooming Through #GeekDay with @Uber #spon

On Monday, October 28th, Guy Kawasaki and I will be putting Uber through it's paces! The fantastic people at Uber are sponsoring the car service for our #GeekDay tour around Silicon Valley and San Francisco. If you've ever been here, you know that getting around in all this traffic can be time-consuming and stressful. We decided that getting from place to place without having to find parking would make the day more efficient and more fun!

car sSo, what is Uber? ย Uber was founded by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick in 2009. “Uber is a venture-funded startup and Transportation Network Company based in San Francisco, California that makes a mobile application that connects passengers with drivers of vehicles for hire.”

From Uber, “Uber is evolving the way the world moves. By seamlessly connecting riders to drivers through our apps, we make cities more accessible, opening up more possibilities for riders and more business for drivers. From our founding in 2009 to our launches in over 35 cities today, Uber's rapidly expanding global presence continues to bring people and their cities closer.”

Uber is an app based service that is really easy to use. I've been in the Silicon Valley for a week, didn't rent a car and I needed to get around, so I relied on Uber. I got off the plane in San Francisco and fired up the app for a car. It was at the door in less than five minutes and I didn't have to wait in the taxi line. The driver has just dropped off Darren Criss at the airport, he had attended the Apple event. How adorkable is that?

I used Uber all week to get around and had fantastic service each time. Another way that Uber does you a solid is that you enter your credit card number on the site so you don't need to worry about paying for each ride and they email you a receipt. So easy and convenient for business travel.

Part of the fun and challenge for our #GeekDay will be using the Uber app for our rides from location to location. Sounds fun, right? Read more about #GeekDay here and tweet us in the #geekday hashtag to join in the fun and ask us questions.

Thank you to Uber for being a part of our #GeekDay! Looking forward to it!

You can find Uber on Twitter, their website and, of course, load the app!

Photo credit: Big Stock Photos


  1. adorkable? I have never downloaded the uber app. I am going to remedy that today. Thanks Peg ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Oh dear.ย  Interesting article but appalling grammar.ย  It’s is the
    shorted version of IT IS, not OF IT.ย  And it is in the first line.ย  Shame on you. And you claim you are a writer.

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