
Time for a Positive Change

I was recently inspired by Julien Smith's blog who was initially inspired by his friend Rog Law on Facebook. From Julien's blog”ย Be the hero of your own story.” A positive chain of reaction.

This got me thinking about two things: gathering inspiration from friends and that no one can get things done for you EXCEPT YOU! Making excuses for not starting or finishing things, not doing the things on your to-do list or being the person you want to be are just that exactly: excuses.

I have a friend, Heather Frey, who is a personal trainer and her message online is always motivational and inspiring. I have many other friends who are positive, supportive and awesome. I nurture these relationships because they are essential to me. Who do you have in your life that you can look to for inspiration? Surrounding yourself with positive people who are getting things done can help you get things done. Be inspired.

Heather Frey SmashFit

A fantastic post on Leo Babuta's Zen Habits blog called 11 Simple Ways to Create Genuine Connections with the People who Make Failure Impossibleย suggests thatThere is no faster, more effective way to fill the gap between where you are and where you aspire to be than having the right passionate and supportiveย people in your corner. There is no bigger life hack.ย Environment is everything. And itโ€™s 100 percent in our control.”

“Donโ€™t wait around or expect anyone else to create your own success or happiness โ€“ thatโ€™s entirely yours to make.ย The princess is in another castle and nobody is gonna save her but you.” Julien Smith

Stop making excuses for the present or the past and start making lists. Stick with the list and inspire yourself with actions leading to becoming the hero of your own life. Believe me, people notice if you are making excuses and not living up to your word and commitments.

โ€œBe your own hero, itโ€™s cheaper than a movie ticket.โ€ โ€“ Douglas Horton

There is an online community called the Nerdfighters started by John Green and Hank Green. Their mission is “to decrease world suck” and to embrace being awesome. The rules for their group are:

1. Don't be mean.

2. ย Don't forget to be awesome.

In John Green's words “A lot of life is about doing things that donโ€™t suck with people who donโ€™t suck.”ย 

The argument can be made that awesome is overused and passรฉ but I will make the counterarguement that there are entirely too many negative vibes and suck in the world. We need some awesome. Being awesome doesn't mean that you are perfect or your life is perfect, nothing is perfect. Setting high standards and working towards them to the best of your ability is awesome. Helping a friend, stranger or family member is awesome. Being positive in the face of negativity is awesome. Criticizing others, writing mean things, making excuses for your crappy behavior equals suck. Frankly, who needs that?

How are you going to take some positive action in your own life today? Who will you be surrounded with in your life in person and online to inspire you? Are these people encouraging you to be the best you?

I'd love to hear a positive change that you implement today. How are you going to be the hero in your own life? Donโ€™t forget to be awesome! #DFTBA

Be the Hero of Your Own Story by Julien Smith
Article by Peg Fitzpatrick


  1. Great article Peggy! So true it is better to fill your life with positive people and activities. The energy feeds your soul in the best of ways and keeps you happy.

    1. @reneedobbsย This is beautiful “fill your life with positive people and activities, the energy feeds your soul in the best of ways and keeps you happy.” Lovely thoughts, Renee! Thanks for being a part of my positive community. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hello Peggy ๐Ÿ™‚
    Firstly I would like to thank you for coming up with such a nice piece of article. Sometimes we forget that for all problems we need only one secret ingredient and i.e. VITAMIN “ME”. If you think you can overcome it, you’ll overcome else by just thinking and standing still won’t help.
    Life is all about moving forward, but together with a positive attitude. Keep rocking with 12Most ๐Ÿ˜€
    Happy Blogging ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. @sunilย Hello Sunil!
      Wow ~>ย we need only one secret ingredient and i.e. VITAMIN “ME” this is perfect!ย 
      I’m happy that you enjoyed my article and glad you are a 12 Most fan as well.
      Happy blogging to you as well!

  3. Great points, Peggy. I find it amazing how creative people can be when it comes to not taking responsibility. As I tell my kids, it is sometimes easier to โ€œjust do itโ€ rather than all the rigmarole of not doing something and fretting over it.
    It can be tougher to summon up positive energy over negative energy at times, but once youโ€™re there, I find it ironic how much more energy negativity takes out of you over positivity.

    1. @PaulBiedermannย This “ironic how much more energy negativity takes out of you over positivity” is SO true! Negativity makes you tired and positive energy boosts you up. I hadn’t thought of that but it is spot on. Those “friends” who complain a lot really do drag you down.
      Thanks for your thoughts here, Paul!

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