
Pondering: The First Year

Wow! Did a year go by quickly. It has been one year since I started my blog and it has been a great experience. I have learned so much from each person who has commented or tweeted me to comment on my blog. ย I have also learned a lot about myself and social media. This enriching experience has brought me lots of joy and I appreciate your being a part of it!

If you have been here before, you may notice I got a whole new makeover! I am very excited about it but still tweaking things a bit. I first started with a free WordPress theme that my friend, Lewis Poretz, loaded for me since I had no idea how to get started. ย Hope you like it as much as I do.

So many bloggers start writing and publishing but get no traffic to their site. I was so lucky to have an engaged group of friends who started sharing my blog from day one.

Here are a few of the highlights of my fabulous year:

During this first year of this blog, I have also been working on 12 Most which celebrated it's first anniversary on June 1, 2011. You can read about this special day here in 12 Most Celebrates its First 12 Months.




I also joined my talented partner, Paul Biedermann, atย re:DESIGN, aย fabulous strategic design, branding, social media and communications firm that Paul started. We have blossomed into something we are very proud of. Bringing our special blend of top shelf, custom design and social media magic to each project that we develop, we have a unique and striking presence unlike any other agency.

All three of these gorgeous logos were created by re:DESIGN (not be me of course, stick figures aren't in this year)ย as well as this website. Super proud mama moment.


And my other baby #MyBookClub, the monthly chat which I co-host each month. #MyBookClub is celebrating it's first birthday on Monday, June 4th at 8 pm โ€” I would love to have you join me for this one hour funfest! Join the book crew on Facebookย and Twitter. One of the side benefits of #MyBookClub is that I have built friendships with many of the authors that have been guests. So, besides learning huge amounts from their books, I have had the pleasure of talking with them and working with them in other ways which led to…

Another huge highlight for me! I am a contributing writer to What the Plus! with Guy Kawasaki. This was probably the biggest learning experience of the past year and I am so grateful for it! ย It is only .99ยข right now so buy it and read my Chapter 10+ by little ‘ole me!



A look back at my top posts:

1. Be Positive!

2. Ten Inspirational Quotes to Make Your Day Positively Shine

3. What Three Social Media Analytic Tools Can't You Live Without

4. How to Promote Yourself Without Being a Jerk

5. What is a Thought Leader?

I would love to know what you have liked so far as well as what you would like to see more of in the future.ย A HUGE thank you to everyone who has read, commented on and shared my blog. I feel so blessed to be well received. Truly!

Featured image courtesy ofย kberberiย via Creative Commons.

Article by Peg Fitzpatrick


  1. That’s ALL you’ve been doing, Peg? Yipes, get off your butt and GET GOING!ย 
    Congrats on both anniversaries! Looking forward to #MyBookClub TONIGHT!

    1. ย @BruceSallanย I have been doing MORE…I just listed those. ๐Ÿ˜€
      Thank you for all your support and for being a supporter of my blog. I would guess that you have commented the most. So a gold star for that! ย Can’t wait to see you in #MyBookClub tonight!

  2. ย @susansilverย Thanks and congrats to you too! A year sure flies by, doesn’t it? What is your favorite thing about having a blog or biggest suprise?

  3. Congratulations on the one year mark! As you know, we love 12 Most at Livefyre. Welcome to Livefyre for your personal site; we’re glad to have you on here! Let us know if you need anything at all.ย 

    1. ย @annedreshfieldย Thanks for popping by and saying hello! 12 Most has had amazing response with the Livefyre commenting so I am thrilled to have it on my blog now too. I especially like the post to Twitter button.
      I appreciate the fantastic social media of Livefyre! Thanks again.

  4. Martini Peg,
    Congrats on your year! I must say that I’m amazed that you’ve only been blogging for a year. I think it’s time to give us your secrets to success. You’re super connected!
    Best wishes for the future!

    1. ย @profkrgย Kenna!
      My #BlogChat partner-in-crime! Thanks for the well wishes and for being so supportive this whole year. I thought I was giving away my secrets here. ๐Ÿ˜€ ย More on networking maybe?
      Thanks so much and hope we can click a martini sometime IRL. <3

  5. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary and all your accomplishments during that year. I wish you much success for many years to come!!

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