Search Results for: pinterest

Seriously Boost your Pinterest Strategy
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Seriously Boost your Pinterest Strategy

Wondering how you can seriously boost your Pinterest strategy? I’ve asked some fantastic Pinterest users to share three things with me: a top tip, their favorite Pinterest board, and a few pinners that they love to follow. You’ll learn some great tips to start your Pinterest strategy or boost what you are doing as well…

12 Most Successful Ways for Writers to Win with Pinterest

12 Most Successful Ways for Writers to Win with Pinterest

Did you know that Pinterest was the fourth largest traffic referrer for all U.S. websites in 2012 and it’s gained even more steam over 2013. It’s time for authors to get with the program and start pinning! Talking with writers in the APE Community for Authors, Publishers and Entrepreneurs, I found that many people were…

My Pinteresting Visit to the Pinterest HQ!
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My Pinteresting Visit to the Pinterest HQ!

I was blessed, and I do mean blessed, by a fantastic tour around San Francisco and Silicon Valley for what I call the Ultimate Geek Day with Guy Kawasaki as my tour guide. I’ll be sharing photos and stories from our day and I’m starting with our first stop which was Pinterest. I was most excited…

How to Promote Your Pinterest Pins and Get More Repins FTW!
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How to Promote Your Pinterest Pins and Get More Repins FTW!

  Are you pinning your content on Pinterest and forgetting about it? I’m going to share some tips on how to keep the momentum going on pins to get more repins and ultimately, more blog traffic. Try these tips to help grow more synergy between your blog, Pinterest and the rest of your social media…

The Power of Google+ and Pinterest Revealed [video]
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The Power of Google+ and Pinterest Revealed [video]

Google+ and Pinterest are my two favorite social networks to use together. I’ve talked about it before in my article How Google+ and Pinterest Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly and I had a Google+ Hangout with my Google+ friend Stephan Hovnanian to share some of the tips that work for me and everyone that…

How Google+ and Pinterest Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

How Google+ and Pinterest Go Together Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Google+ and Pinterest are the new kids on the block, relatively speaking, in the social media world and they are two of the most ignored platforms by social media professionals. I’m not sure why because they are great together just like peanut butter and jelly. With a little thought behind your actions, you can push…