
Meet Chris Westfall and The New Elevator Pitch

Chris Westfall is the real deal. Take the time to get to know Chris and let his message help you. Chris shares his passion for helping YOU find your message and create an enticing and purposeful elevator pitch of your own. No more fumbling and mumbling when someone asks what you do.

One of Chris's claims to fame is that he is the Grand Prize Winner of the National Elevator Pitch Competition.

Jeffrey Hayzlett who wrote the forward for The NEW Elevator Pitchย has this to say:

“Quite frankly, Iโ€™m amazed at the number of intelligent people I know in business who donโ€™t have a decent elevator pitch.

Iโ€™ve sat through thousands of sales presentations with 100 + Power Point slides and wondered afterward, โ€œI donโ€™t get it. What is it you do?โ€ Forget the pretty slides showing your biggest clients, the awards you received last yearโ€ฆ.whatโ€™s your unique value proposition ?โ€ฆwhatโ€™s the value youโ€™re going to provide to me as a potential customer? And make it quick!

Itโ€™s time to rethink our sales strategy; itโ€™s time to drive change and grow.”

Why just give a speechโ€ฆ

When you can deliver a message?

Getting clear on your story is the first step to creating the kinds of connections that matter. Donโ€™t enter the conversation until youโ€™re clear about your outcomes, and your contribution. When you know what to say, and how to say it, youโ€™ve harnessed the secrets of The NEW Elevator Pitch. Read this book and you will experience:

  • Greater clarity around your personal story
  • Authentic communication: being true to yourself and your listener
  • The art of influence and persuasion
  • How to get others enrolled in your ideas

When you make a real connection, you can make a real difference!

Thatโ€™s the power of The NEW Elevator Pitch.

Join us in #MyBookClub live on Twitter for a one hour conversation with Chris Westfall and my co-host Paul Biedermann as we talk about what an elevator pitch is and how you can benefit from creating your own. Monday, May 7th at 8 pm EST. See you there!

Article by Peg Fitzpatrick