Linkedin Professional Publisher open
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Gamechanger: LinkedIn Professional Publisher

The LinkedIn Influencer program launched in the fall of 2012 and the thought leaders in the program have had the ability to publish content directly on LinkedIn for some time. These posts are shown to LinkedIn members through the Pulse section and in the home stream while viewing. LinkedIn is calling it The Definitive Publishing Platform.

Linkedin Professional Publisher open

From Ryan Roslansky at LinkedIn “The valuable Influencer posts and the full range of professional content from millions of publishers that we currently aggregate on LinkedIn are powerful, but only the tip of the iceberg. Combined, our members have extremely valuable and varied experiences; however, their knowledge and expertise has not yet been captured and shared.

LinkedIn is opening up our publishing platform to our members, giving them a powerful new way to build their professional brand. When a member publishes a post on LinkedIn, their original content becomes part of their professional profile, is shared with their trusted network and can reach the largest group of professionals ever assembled. Now members can follow other members that are not in their network and build their group of followers. Members can continue to share their expertise by posting photos, images, videos and their original presentations on SlideShare.”

On February 19th, they added 25,000 more publishers to their platform. “The average Influencer post drives more than 31,000 views and receives more than 250 likes and 80 comments. By any measure, this is a remarkably high level of engagement for digital content.ย We are addingย new Influencersย who are excited to share their insights and experiences directly with LinkedIn members.” I was lucky enough to be given this opportunity as well as my friend Mark Traphagen who is an expert in Google+ authorship. We've both posted our first posts on the LinkedIn platform. You can find my LinkedIn articles here.

This is how you find out that you have the capability to publish on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn invitation

This is the next screen you will see:

Create a New Post LinkedIn

ย When you open the LinkedIn publisher, it looks and acts very much like WordPress.


Once you publish your post, it appears on your LinkedIn profile and in the Pulse newsfeed.

Linked In post

The other change is that people can now follow my profile on LinkedIn. Since this started this week, I've gained about seventy-five followers on LinkedIn, and I've received more likes and comments on my updates on the platform.

That's what the LinkedIn publishing platform looks like right now. I'm excited about this new opportunity! If you don't have it yet, get ready by sprucing up your LinkedIn profile so you'll be ready for your LinkedIn publishing debut.


  1. Thanks for the behind-the-scenes look at this! I’m definitely interested in trying it out once that functionality has been enabled on my profile. Any idea when they’re adding more folks as publishers?

  2. lauraclick ย I haven’t seen anything about when they are going to add more publishers. It supposed to roll out to everyone so that will be crazy! I’m interested to see how it shakes out.

  3. Hi Peg! ย I got an invitation yesterday to publish on LinkedIn and remembered this blog of yours so had to go back and find it to get all your priceless information before I begin ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Thank you SO MUCH for all this info. ย It makes my invitation seem even more special knowing I have the inside scoop on this from you ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Happy weekend, my friend!

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