
Beneficial Branding Posts

Welcome to this week's Fab Five Friday! Today's topic is branding. This is a hotly debated topic in social media and one that is whole-heartedly worth examining!

1. 9 Principles for Great Branding By Designย by Mark McNeilly

2. Got Design? by Paul Biedermann for re:DESIGN

3. 6 Ways Your Personal Branding Can Go Horribly Wrong by Sally Hogshead

4. Personal Branding Like the Stars: How a Systematic Approach Will Revolutionize Your Businessย by Nick Nanton and Mikkel Pitzner

5. This is a Storify of a spontaneous Twitter conversation about personal branding. If you aren't familiar with Storify, it is a great tool that you can use to capture Twitter conversations. You can retweet from within the Storify or hover over the top right of the tweet to share via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, email or Google+.

I hope you enjoyed this fab five for Friday and found a few new tidbits about branding.ย 

Featured image courtesy ofย ย ffunyman via Creative Commons.

Article by Peg Fitzpatrick

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