1. Hi Peg, I have a question on this – I’ve read that it’s hard to get traction with a business account vs personal just like with Facebook. That you must pay to play, is that true with Instagram? I’ve held back on going with a business account for that reason and wondered what your thoughts on that were.
    Thanks for sharing these tips with us. I do love the analytics that would come with the business account.

    1. Hello Lisa,
      I had a personal account and switched to Business and then back to test each. Then I went back to Business. There wasn’t any algorithm on Instagram and now there is so I don’t think it matters if you’re personal or Business – just that you’re active and engaged. You get a lot of extra features with a Business account that were worth it for me. I very rarely promote things for money on Instagram.

      Thanks for reading and commenting.

    1. Hey Linda! It helps more people see your posts. Even if people aren’t following you, if they click on the city you tagged they’ll see your post. 🙂

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