3 Smart Rules for Using Pinterest vs. Instagram
So many people get confused about visual marketing and where photos should go. Pinterest vs. Instagram? Or both? Read on to learn the differences.
My good friend Sue Zimmerman and I were together recently and decided to have a Facebook Live to talk about the differences between Pinterest vs. Instagram. Sue loves Instagram and teaches it at conferences and to her students online but she isn't using Pinterest much these days.
We asked and answered some questions to show the differences between Pinterest and Instagram.
Which is better for your vacation photos? Pinterest vs. Instagram?
Instagram! People on Pinterest don't care about your vacation photos unless you are a travel blogger and you're sharing the 10 Best Beaches in Hawaii.
Here's an example of a multiple photo Instagram post from an event. You can see that sharing them as a group helps tell the story and is better than five separate Instagram posts. Click through, say hello and that you found me through my blog.
Which site is better for long term blog traffic? Is it Pinterest or Instagram?
Pinterest 100%!ย Pinterest and blogging may seem like they are unrelated but bloggers can boost their website traffic and build their readership by using Pinterest. Think of Pinterest as the frosting and sprinkles on your cupcake of web traffic, it seems like pretty eye candy but also adds a lot of flavor and interest! With a few smart steps each time you publish a blog post, you can bring traffic to your website from Pinterest.
More reading: 5 Ways Pinterest Can Help Your Blog
Which takes more time every day? Pinterest vs. Instagram?
Instagram. Because you want to build a community and relationships on Instagram commenting and talking via direct message are important.
Pinterest isn't a social network so you can schedule your pins out over time and pin live a little everyday.
Watch the video to see more:
You can find me on Instagram and Pinterest. I'd love to connect on social too!
Here's the full transcript from our video. Hope you like it!
Peg Fitzpatrick: Hello, Facebook. I hope you guys are having an awesome Sunday. I'm here on the Cape, and holy cow is it beautiful and sunny. With my bestie, Sue Zimmerman.
Sue Zimmerman: Hey guys.
Peg Fitzpatrick: We're going to talk to you about Pinterest and Instagram. Two things that we are both crazy passionate about. I'm passionate about Pinterest and Instagram. Sue really loves Instagram the most. I'm still pulling her over to the Pinterest side. And this is going to help explain some of the differences between Pinterest and Instagram, because people are very confused. They think they're both photo sharing sites, which they aren't.
So, we're going to do three tips.
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Three things. And we'll explain other things as well.
Sue Zimmerman: Can I just tell everybody something real quick, Peggy.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: So you guys, seven years ago, before I started teaching Instagram, or maybe it was six, I used to teach Pinterest. And I have not been on Pinterest for about four or five years, but I'm getting on there more often, because, how can you not when you're hanging out with Peggy.
Peg Fitzpatrick: I did add you … Sue is on my instant Instagram tips board.
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah. So, I'm excited to hear this just as much as you guys are.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Okay, so we're going to ask questions, and then we're going to show you guys the answer with a Pinterest and an Instagram. So the first question is: I just went on vacation, where should I post my photos? Pinterest or Instagram? Instagram only. People on Pinterest don't care about your vacation photos.
Sue Zimmerman: Right, and here's an another tip, if you're going to be posting your vacation photos, use the carousel feature. Peggy, right?
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: You can now post up to 10 photos, or you can alternate some videos with your photos on Instagram and whatever you do, you guys, have the cover of that carousel be the best photo of your vacation.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: And it usually isn't the one with you in it.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Right.
Sue Zimmerman: It usually is something gorgeous that you're looking at, like a sunset or something pretty, right?
Peg Fitzpatrick: Right. And that also … But, yes, and also another difference between Pinterest and Instagram is, on Instagram, photos with faces do better. And on Pinterest, photos without faces do better.
Sue Zimmerman: Right, right. Exactly.
Peg Fitzpatrick: So, now, we'll do another one. Which site is better for long term blog traffic? Is it Pinterest or Instagram?
Pinterest, 100% Pinterest there.
Sue Zimmerman: 100%
Peg Fitzpatrick: So, if you are a blogger, you can definitely use Pinterest and Instagram, but Pinterest is always going to have those links leading back to you for days.
Sue Zimmerman: Right.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Months.
Sue Zimmerman: I know and one of the-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Years.
Sue Zimmerman: … things, you guys, one of the things Peggy keeps telling me, and she's absolutely right 100%, she's like, “Sue, your YouTube videos, you need to be linking them to Pinterest.” And I'm like-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Absolutely.
Sue Zimmerman: … “Good thing we hired your daughter, because that's what she's going to be doing.” But, she's right, because the life of a pin lives on, and on, and on and Peggy sent me a screen shot the other day, you guys, of a pin of one of her infographics that got over 8,000 repins.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah.
Sue Zimmerman: I'm like, “Okay, I get it. I get it.” We just need to create the bandwidth.
Peg Fitzpatrick: I had one blog post that had 66,000 repins.
Sue Zimmerman: Okay. That's crazy.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Crazy.
Sue Zimmerman: And on Instagram, you guys, as you know, the link is only in your bio, and if you have a business profile on Instagram, which we suggest that you do if you're in business, and if you don't know how to do that, I do have a blog post explaining exactly how to set that up. But, you also need to have 10,000 followers, and that's what can be a little bit tricky.
Peg Fitzpatrick: It is.
Sue Zimmerman: And Peggy, did you notice what I did here, because your hair looks so good?
Peg Fitzpatrick: Awesome.
Sue Zimmerman: I had to add a little something.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Sue got in a little exercise. I opted for hair and makeup this morning, Sue went rollerblading, so she's going to live longer than me. But my hair temporarily looks better. I'm just going to check through and say hi, “Hi, Karina. Hi, Joba. Hello, Shannon, who we just mentioned.
Okay, so, if you publish a blog post, you can pin it on Pinterest, but then you could make a really great graphic and share it on Instagram to let people … Or YouTube video.
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah.
Peg Fitzpatrick: I think YouTubers are killing it on Instagram.
Sue Zimmerman: Well, what we do, Peggy, to that point, is every single blog post that we do, with the SBZ team, we do have a designated graphic, which is GIF. We like creating GIFs with our graphic designer, because it moves and it counts as a video.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Which, by the way, play on Pinterest.
Sue Zimmerman: Oh, there you guy, you guys. So, every blog day, like Peggy's saying, we go all in to promote.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: We want to promote and amplify, and broadcast that blog to get more eyeballs to your website, not Instagram or Pinterest, but to your website. So that you get the comments and the likes and shares there, and so we do have a designated graphic every single blog post on Instagram.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Sue needs a big long one for Pinterest, though.
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah.
Sue Zimmerman: We're adding that. We're adding that to our list. We are. She's rubbing off on me, you guys.
Peg Fitzpatrick: The long term blog traffic, it's my gift for all of you. Okay. We'll ask one more question. Do you have one that want to ask? Pinterest or Instagram?
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah, I want to know, honestly Peggy, how much time you spend, and I'm sure you get this question a lot, but-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah.
Sue Zimmerman: … is it okay to break it down day, or week-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Okay, let's-
Sue Zimmerman: … or do you spend time every day?
Peg Fitzpatrick: … let's do this, which takes more time every day? Pinterest or Instagram? Instagram. Pinterest is so easy. You make your graphic, you pin it, and then you can go on Instagram and screw around.
Sue Zimmerman: But I want to know how much time you spend there, because-
Peg Fitzpatrick: I actually don't spend a lot of time.
Sue Zimmerman: You don't.
Peg Fitzpatrick: It takes me the least amount of time. Unless I obsess over a graphic, which I try not to do, but sometimes I'm like-
Sue Zimmerman: Whoa, whoa, okay.
Peg Fitzpatrick: … “This is so amazing.”
Sue Zimmerman: Okay. Back it up 10 degrees, so creating-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Beep, beep, beep.
Sue Zimmerman: … your fabulous … Creating your boards.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: The names of your boards.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: I know that everything you do, like me, is with strategy behind it.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes. Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: So for someone like me, who has not reentered the Pinterest-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: … sphere, over a-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yep.
Sue Zimmerman: … period of time, but I'm-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: … definitely going to commit to you. Thank you Shannon.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Whoa.
Sue Zimmerman: We, you know, naming those boards so they're on point with your branding-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yep
Peg Fitzpatrick: SEO keywords.
Sue Zimmerman: … pinning the SEO keywords. And only pinning content that goes in that board.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: Like that kind of time.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Okay.
Sue Zimmerman: I know that you're like a wiz once you're there.
Peg Fitzpatrick: But honestly, once you set it up, you just add pins to it, and it's done. You do it once and it's done.
Sue Zimmerman: But how long do you stay there, when you see all the things you want to buy?
Peg Fitzpatrick: Well, I try not to do buyable pins, but buyable pins it's like one-click purchase. So, those are dangerous. But, so how much time does it take? Pinterest takes much less time.
Sue Zimmerman: Okay.
Peg Fitzpatrick: The main thing you focus on, is your one great piece of content. So I publish one blog post a week.
Sue Zimmerman: Yes.
Peg Fitzpatrick: So, when I do publish that one blog post, I'm pinning that on my main boards, and I'm writing great descriptions. And then honestly, I can go into Tailwind, and schedule out a whole bunch of pins for the rest of the time. But I do go on every day and pin live, because I think all social platforms really do monitor live behavior versus, you know, scheduled. So I schedule and I also go live.
But, it doesn't take a long time. I just go on a couple times, you know. Sometimes even just one, but I pin a bunch.
Sue Zimmerman: But are you on, are you on? I'm curious. Are you on there every day? Peggy Fitzpatrick, I'm doing an Instagram story.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah, but like, like I'll be on-
Sue Zimmerman: Are you on Pinterest every day?
Peg Fitzpatrick: I am on Pinterest every day, but it doesn't take me as long, because there's no commenting. It's not a social network. That's the biggest difference.
Sue Zimmerman: Right.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Pinterest is not a social network. It's a bookmarking site. So, I save the things that I like, but I don't have to worry about talking to other people. So it's kind of all about me when I'm there.
Sue Zimmerman: That's the biggest point that I just learned, and it's going to be in my Instagram story. So if you're not following my stories, it's a bookmarking site.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: I like that you're saying that.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah.
Sue Zimmerman: And that is so true.
Peg Fitzpatrick: It's not a social platform.
Sue Zimmerman: And we can go back, and a lot of people use it to curate content around-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: … you know, if they're getting married, like Morgan, or if they're designing a new house. Of if they're going on vacation.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yep.
Sue Zimmerman: And it's kind of like scrap booking on steroids, bookmarking-
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yes.
Sue Zimmerman: … in the right board.
Peg Fitzpatrick: But, you're using it for your business. So you're saving your blog post. I have a secret board that I do-
Sue Zimmerman: Secret.
Peg Fitzpatrick: … that I save … It's secret. I save things on there that maybe I want to read later. Or that I maybe, that I want to do later. If I want to share it on my Facebook page, but I don't want it pinned yet, I'll save it on there, and share it later.
Sue Zimmerman: Cool. Curious, Barry Tuck, did you come over for Instagram stories? Did any come over from my Instagram stories, because I just queued up, “I'm going live in Peggy's.”
Peg Fitzpatrick: I used Pinterest today for recipes. That's awesome.
Sue Zimmerman: Oh, recipes is another great idea.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah. That's another great idea. Hello Barry, and hello Shannon. And who else was on here? Karina.
Sue Zimmerman: Wow. That was fun.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah, so Sue has to run, because she's going to do … She's has something-
Sue Zimmerman: I'm going live.
Peg Fitzpatrick: … special in her Facebook. That's a closed group, correct?
Sue Zimmerman: It is a closed group. I'm sorry you guys, I wish I could let you guys all in.
Peg Fitzpatrick: But that's okay.
Sue Zimmerman: But yeah.
Peg Fitzpatrick: It's cool to have a closed group.
Sue Zimmerman: Yeah, it's cool. So, let me just quickly say, every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. EST, I go live inside of my VIP Instagram group called Ready Set Gram. And it's called Sunday Sipping with Sue B. Of course there's a hashtag. And I, you know, it's like what are you sipping on, Peggy. What are you going to be sipping on? Is it going to be coffee?
Peg Fitzpatrick: Water.
Sue Zimmerman: Water. Maybe some-
Peg Fitzpatrick: I usually sip on lemon water.
Sue Zimmerman: And it's fun, and I have music, and I have dancing. And Peggy's going to be my guest today, so we got to get ready for that. But it's been great hanging out with you guys. Peggy, thanks for having me.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Yeah, thanks for coming.
Sue Zimmerman: Talking all about Insta.
Peg Fitzpatrick: Okay, if you guys have questions about Pinterest and Instagram, and the differences, leave them down below, and I will check them out later. And I hope you have an awesome day.
I just both you and Sue QA
Awesome tips to follow. Thank you
What is one advice for a struggling pinterest guy
Thanks so much! What are you doing on Pinterest now? Are you pinning on a regular basis?
Nice post. Perfect to know which network is better than the other for different purposes. But can you tell me which is a better alternative for B2B businesses? Instagram or Pinterest?
Hello Manisha,
Pinterest and Instagram are used for different things which the article was about.
Do you want to raise brand awareness, share products, build a community? Then Instagram is best.
Do you want to drive traffic to your website and sell products? Then Pinterest might be best.
It depends on your social media marketing goals. It might be that you want to use both for different marketing aspects.
You are right Peg, I have to follow both because my goal is raise awareness regarding my product plus bring traffic to my website.
Thank you for your answer.
Glad to read your post. You always come up with a effective topic and I always learn something new every time. Both Pinterest and Instagram are good at their own place and both of these have different benefits.
But, But, Here I clearly understand which platform is better than another for different purposes.
Best Wishes,
Praveen verma
Hello Peg,
Great piece of information over here ๐
Its always great to be here on your site and learn something very useful and helpful stuff from over here.
Pintreset is good for driving traffic to our blogs and website. Yeah but I find it difficult to raise my followers.
What should I do, should I follow the boards or the people?
Thanks for the share.
Good one, Great and interesting post, thanks for sharing.