
Friendship, Wisdom and Other Gifts

This month marks the second anniversary of a sad event for me. One of my best friends, Steve, ย passed away suddenly at the age of 36 due to complications from an elective surgery that ironically he was having with the hope that it would give him a healthier and longer life. We worked together for several years. Steve was a really good man, a supportive husband and probably the best father a kid could ever want, so proud of his family. He worked very hard and played harder. He was the quintessential friend: loving, supportive, great listener. He was a rock for me, no matter what the situation he would just boil it down and put it into perspective. So wise!

We were the most unlikely friends and yet the best of friends. Total opposites in almost every way imaginable. ย But at the heart was a deep respect for one another and a similar joy in life. Boy, did I love to make this guy laugh, he had an awesome huge belly laugh. Iย miss him calling me โ€œgirl.โ€ He took every opportunity to tease me but always in good fun.

So in honor of Stevie, I'd like to share some of the wisdom that this sweet friend shared with me.

  • โ€œIf you donโ€™t mind, it doesnโ€™t matterโ€
  • โ€œItโ€™s only money you can always make more tomorrow.โ€
  • โ€œLife is too short for mean people.โ€
  • โ€œItโ€™s all by the hour, girl.โ€ I think Steve said this to me everyday when I got frustrated by co-workers.
  • If someone loves you, youโ€™ll know it.

One of the most important lessons I learned from Steve was donโ€™t ever miss the opportunity to tell someone that you love them or care about them. You never know when the last time you will see them will be. And that is a lesson from his life, not his death, because he believed that with all his heart. Friendship counts in life.

So in honor of my buddy Steve, here are some lyrics to a Brad Paisley song that was on the CD I bought the day he passed away. I feel like he wanted me to have this song.

“Seasons come and seasons go
One day sun, the next day snow
Flowers die and flowers grow
But love is never-ending

You can't kill it with goodbye
It always finds a place to hide
Inside your heart for your whole life
Love is never-ending”

Cheers Buddy! And thanks.


  1. Peg,
    Steve is smiling! Great honor to your Best Friend! Not all are lucky to have such a person in their life’s! Can tell that you treasured your friendship with him and miss him. He is right there beside you…

  2. Hi Denise,

    Thanks so much for your comment. He was a good egg!

    Best wishes to you!

  3. Lea,

    You always have exactly the perfect thing to say and you share it. Thank you so much for your thoughts and for your constant support & friendship.

    Friends are a gift ~ so happy I have you!


  4. Peg, I’m so sorry for your loss. Friendship is THE thing I live for, and I can tell how close you and Steve were and that you value people tremendously by how you interact with others on Twitter. Hugs to you today!


  5. It sounds as though you were just as good a friend Peg. As lucky as you were to have him, people are to have you as a friend. What a wonderful testimony to him and a great reminder to us all to cherish our friends!

  6. Hi Monica!

    I did appreciate him a lot and have lot from the experience. Friendship is special. Thank you very much for your kind comments. Very nice of you indeed.
    Hugs back to you!

  7. Peg – Even more reason why I am blessed to have met you and why I consider you a friend…Steve left you some high quality advice that we all should live by…

  8. It very much seems that Steve is alive and well sharing his just get on with it, positive attitude thanks to you Peg. A touching and meaningful story well worth telling and sharing. SO proud to be your social sista!xoxo

  9. Hello Deb~

    I appreciate your kind comments Deb!

    I am super proud to be your social SISTAH!

    xoxo Peggy

  10. John,

    Appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. Just felt like I needed to say it out loud if you will.



  11. Hi beautiful Peg….

    I am touched again by your words. Many of us have been blessed by souls that touch our heart such as Steve did yours…and some have never had a friend believe in them as you did. I am saddened that you lost your friend but so touched that you have experienced true friendship bliss. Thanks for the reminder..that we must all know when we are loved and it is a gift…I adore you Peg, and you are loved by me….


    1. Hello Dabney,Thanks so much for your sweet thoughts. This was a hard post to write but I felt really good about sharing it. Your support is amazing…*mwah*Peggy xoxo

  12. I cannot even come close to understanding how that feels because I haven’t had much loss in my life (yet). I always take the time to say the people I appreciate how much I love them, though. That makes a little bit of right in this world of wrongs.

    Thanks for the sweet words, sweet Peggy.

    1. Hola Juan,While I am very glad that you haven’t experienced a loss like this, it is part of life. Celebrating the joy and people we have as well as remembering those that we have lost is life. I am glad that you tell people how you feel, it is very important.Thank YOU Juan!Peggy #PPG

  13. Hello Dabney,

    Thanks so much for your sweet thoughts. This was a hard post to write but I felt really good about sharing it. Your support is amazing…
    Peggy xoxo

    Hola Juan,

    While I am very glad that you haven’t experienced a loss like this, it is part of life. Celebrating the joy and people we have as well as remembering those that we have lost is life. I am glad that you tell people how you feel, it is very important.
    Thank YOU Juan!
    Peggy #PPG

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