
Chat Wrap up from June 13th #USGUYSCHAT #with @MikeYavo of @Hashable

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#USGUYS Chat June 13th

In this fast and furious #usguyschat we discussed @Hashable with our special guest @MikeYavo. Founder/CEO of Hashable. Mike Yavonditte was the CEO of Quigo for 5+ yrs. until sold to AOL in 2007. Active angel investor in Klout, Meetup, Flurry and 30+ other companies.

Hashable has a great app for iPad/iPhone which makes creating connections even easier. Website: www.hashable.com Click on the yellow โ€œcheat sheetโ€ tab for more information.

Mini Hashable breakdown:

#1 Describe what you did with a tag: # + activity

#2 Say who you did it with using a Twitter handle or email address

Some popular Hashtags: #intro, #thanks, #coffee, #raninto, #call

Can be actions, props/salutations or connections.

Qโ€™s from chat โ€“ Answers from Mike Yavonditte

Please keep in mind that all of the questions & answers were in 140 characters and tweeted in a very fast chat.

Q1 What is @Hashable?

Answer: Hashable is a social utility – think about the space between Linkedin and Salesforce.com. You use Hashable to remember everyone you meet.

You may think of Social CRM, we call it Social PRM (people relationship management) Remember everyone you meet or interact with.

Q2 Can anyone join @Hashable? Do you have to be on Twitter?

Yes, anyone can join Hashable – and YES, you can use from iPhone, Android or Email.The next version of Hashable is coming in a few weeks – it will be very very useful: reminders, follow-ups, calendar integration. Private notes can be saved about people.

Q3 How does using @Hashable add to your Social Media experience?

Hashable enhances the social experience in too many ways: records important events, let's you gather contact info, etc.

Q4 Can you give an example of how to use @Hashable?

The Hashable address book let's you remember WHO you met and WHERE you met them. If used properly, you can always remember the name of any person you've met in the past I use Hashable to record that I just met a person, a phone call occurred, a skype session happened, or just a meeting . If it's recorded in Hashable you know that it happened. Hashable can be used from any Android, iPhone app, our site or EMAIL. Hashable is like Evernote For People. We will soon begin recording your actions – like emails and tweets – to important people โ€“ automatically. We will soon let you EMAIL straight from the Hashable app – we will date and time stamp the email, save the body in right place. if you don't want to use our email feature then don't use our email feature – it's OPT IN. Users will have to initiate the email FROM our app if they want us to record it

Q5 Can you explain the new #HashablePowerUsers Group?

New Hashable Power User Group is brand new, a place for people to share information, tips, ask us questions – stuff like that.

Q6 Any tips & tricks for using the @Hashable Apps?

You can use Hashable simply be adding a hashtag to word #thanks! We record “WHO” you said thanks to. Each time you #meet someone, you should “record” that meeting with Hashable. We're working hard to make app easier.

My primary address book on my iPhone is the Hashable address best trick is to connect ALL your webmail accounts to our site. It will combine ALL your contacts into SEARCHABLE database s book

If you simply say “thanks” to someone on Twitter, Hashable will record that for you. All you have to do is include a hashtag.

Q7 How can we create more meaningful connections with @Hashable?

Sure, Mr. @ytsirklin closed a million dollar deal by using our connection strength system. If you set up your friends layer (we call that Inner Circle) you can see who your friends are meeting in real time – very helpful. Nearly every day someone will message me asking me to “intro” them to someone I just met with. you can also do things like: who did I meet last year at SxSW? One search on Hashable gives you the LIST! Most of you know that I'm a major investor in Klout, so we'll do something with them, but not yet.

Q8 How do I know if I need to connect or havenโ€™t connected with someone in awhile?

We're about to add a “chronology” feature to Hashable – will let you know the LAST time you connected with someone

New version of Hashable will be out before July 4th weekend – HashPRM 1.0 – cross between Linkedin & Salesforce!


Chat Stats:

#USGUYSCHAT HashTracking.com Report

882 tweets generated 2,319,912 impressions, reaching an audience of 216,857 followers within the past 24 hours

467 Original Tweets, 268 @mentions and 147 retweets!

Top Ten by Number of Impressions: @LovelyLu, @MikeYavo, @BetheButterfly, @ProsperityGal, @PegFitzpatrick, @SMSJoe, @StephenCaggiano, @LewisPoretz, @Solete and @PaulBiedermann.

Top Ten by Number of Tweets: @PegFitzpatrick, @SMSJoe, @Solete, @MikeYavo, @PaulBiedermann, @Natasha_D_G, @BeTheButterfly, @MediasRes, @LewisPoretz and @TaariqLewis.

Random thoughts from the VERY active peanut gallery:

@GailZahtz gets a gold star for this: Can I ask @mikeyavo a question yet? Everyone else is talking! I'm trying to follow “guidelines” ๐Ÿ™

@bethebutterfly: @georgiawebgurl You still have to implement good networking best practices – how r you using it

@abovethestatic +1 One stop shop for relationships. RT @danenow: …when H synchs w/ LI and FB, too, it will be astoundingly helpful #nextlevel

bethebutterfly: @SMSJOE I totally agree Joe – the follow-ups & notes are going to be awesome

tmustacchio: Learn something new everyday RT @taariqlewis: Modified Tweet to respect the original author & indicate an edit. cc @solete

danenow: Someone probably said this already, but I love using Hashable when I forget someoneโ€™s Twitter handle

SMSJOE I think your CRM updates sound like they may add utility i am looking for

bethebutterfly: to @taariqlewis This hashtag will show up – there is no such thing as a “hashable” hashtag – all of this will log on

Dave997theriver: ย Where can I find @hashable 4 dummies?

@Solete Boom! – “Connect ALL your webmail accts to @Hashable. It will combine ALL your contacts into SEARCHABLE database” says @MikeYavo

@paulbiedermann Not enough room after all our great quips? @taariqlewis: why aren't folks using Hashable hashtags more often in this chat?

GailZahtz: Iโ€™ll give credit- but Iโ€™m still stealing it! RT @PaulBiedermann: ROFL RT @LewisPoretz: @mediasres itโ€™s gotta be Dr Seuss easy.

Thank you very much to our guest @MikeYavo of @Hashable and my guest co-host @SMSJoe!! Never let it be said that #Usguys donโ€™t have an opinion or a great thought to share. You guys #rock!


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  1. Peg, thank you so much for the write up, totally awesome! I love hashable and this is one of the best posts explaining it. I constantly try and explain it to people because I think its the coolest, and this will help! ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you, sorry I missed the chat, but thanks to you, I didn’t miss the info, just the fun chatting with awesome friends. #yourock

    1. You are such a sweetheart Mila! Always so encouraging and kind. I am so glad that you like the write up. Clarified things a bit I hope. #Yourock too!

  2. Love the Hashable #thanks – so clever & yet do hashcreds here! I will tweet it. I am glad you like the wrap up – sometimes it easy to miss the questions and responses in a fast chat. I appreciate your comments.

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