Simple, Yet Effective Ways to Say I Love You

Simple, Yet Effective Ways to Say I Love You

Sharing is caring!

Being in a relationship is a lot of work and anyone who tells you otherwise isn't being truthful. One of the biggest pitfalls in long-term relationships is taking the other person or the relationship for granted. Show your partner that you love them every day in small ways and the rewards will be great.

Simple, Yet Effective Ways to Say I Love You

1.Do something nice, just for them

And expect nothing in return. Making chocolate chips cookies is always a favorite at my house.

2. Give your partner space on occasion

You don't need to spend all of your time together. Giving each other room to breathe and grow can strengthen the bond you share.

3. Let them pick the movie

Take turns picking the movie, the restaurant or concert. This is an equal partnership based on the likes of Romantic Comedies vs Action Adventure and Thai Food vs Italian. Share and be fair in decisions.

4. Praise your partner!

Say nice things about your partner to others. Make some nice comments on their Facebook status or post a picture that you love of you both on their Facebook wall.

5. Write a note and leave it on their computer screen or the bathroom mirror

If you have a partner that travels frequently or is on a different schedule, this is the connection that starts the day. Tucking a little card under a pillow for the spouse at home is also a nice gesture.

6. Don't be selfish

Common sense, yes? But everyone needs a reminder. Share the remote or the last cookie.

7. Make time for each other

Today's schedules are getting more packed and full. Knowing that you have a date planned for Friday night can make Wednesday and Thursday more enjoyable. Having something to look forward to is always a benefit.

8. Listen when they are talking to you

Actively listening with full attention includes not looking at your phone, computer or the television.

9. Take care of a few extra chores

Sharing the household, automotive tasks and lawn maintenance can take hours of time each week. Do a bonus items, without expecting praise, like wash your spouses car or do the dishes when it isn't technically your turn.

10. Share things about your day

You partner cares where you were, who you had lunch with and how your day went. “How was your day” is the perfect opening to a one line “fine” and the end of the conversation. Dig beyond the trite conversation and bond.

11. Ask your partners advice

They might surprise you with their expertise and they know you better than anyone, right?

12.Don't forget to say “I love you”

Often times you may feel that all your actions are speaking your love, but everyone likes to hear it. Say it out loud too.

These are just a few ways to say I love you. Each person and relationship is built on different needs and wants. Take time to build the foundation for a life time of love and keep working on it.

Sharing is caring!


  1. Hello Renee!
    Thanks – three kids and a dog here too! Small acts can make a big difference!
    Appreciate your reading & commenting.

  2. Great one! I am such a goofball by nature, that I didn’t even think of that but it is so important. It might not be possible to survive parenthood without a sense of humor. Laughing does make everything better. Being silly with your kids is awesome – we have had a running joke this week about cantelopes this week at our house. It is corny & we all find it hysterical. Definitely helps create a bond.

    So happy that you enjoyed my blog Elizabeth!


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