Search Results for: instagram

Ten Inspirational Quotes to Make your Day Positively Shine

Ten Inspirational Quotes to Make your Day Positively Shine

  Positive thoughts for the day For me, everything is about having a positive attitude! I get asked frequently how I stay positive or what motivates me. I believe that it is a choice that I make everyday to wake up and greet the day with a smile.  I love to read and save inspirational…

Meaningful Tips for a Marvelous Marriage

Meaningful Tips for a Marvelous Marriage

“Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.” ~Barnett R. Brickner Often you hear the focus being on what people want to change about their spouse, this is not the key to a happy and successful partnership.You choose this fabulous person for many important reasons….

I’m Brand New & You Can Be Too!

I’m Brand New & You Can Be Too!

What is a personal brand? It is you. Your story. This intimate story is portrayed via an overall message that weaves throughout Social Media platforms. Just as major consumer brands have well-known, universally recognized images, individuals have them too. But more than a just a surface image, it is important to have a deeper story…

The Golden Rule: Tweet Others The Way You Want To Be Tweeted.
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The Golden Rule: Tweet Others The Way You Want To Be Tweeted.

Tweet others the way you wanted to be tweeted. Sounds so simple yet every day you see things on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram that are perplexing. Being kind to others is so important: in life and on social media. Greet others cordially and you may be blessed with a delightful response. The message that you…



How can I capture your attention in such a small glimmer? Let me do my best to give you a few tidbits of my speaking and social media experience. I am a professional social media speaker and writer. I’ve built an engaged following on social media of almost 200,000 followers across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,…