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Five Fantastic Ways to Get Google+ tastic

People keep telling me they just can't get started on Google+ so I am going to share five fantastic ways to get Google+tastic. I hope that you will try a few of these things and get some traction. This post is inspired byย Marlee Wardย who needed a little jumpstart for G+.

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/MARLdblE/status/259060531099471873″]

1. Pluss.es โ€” creates a beautiful blog of your Google+ posts. Perfect for those without a personal blog or those that like new fancy stuff like me.

“From their site: Increase your online presence with a Google+ powered blog.ย +Plussesย is a hosted blogging platform that does all the work for you. We recognize that you have spent a lot of time creating content for the Google+ platform and believe that you shouldn't have to waste time rewriting it for your traditional blog.

Get all of your public Google+ posts displayed in an easy to read format, including any photos, videos or article links you have attached. Comments and post statistics are also brought across so visitors to your blog can easily see your levels of engagement.”

Here is my Pluss.es page.

2. Find some people on Google+ with Group.as

3. Pimp out your Google+ with Chrome Extentions! I use the following:

  • Google Translate for Google+
  • Extended Share for Google+
  • Favorite Posts for Google+
  • Gooce+ ~ social network integration to read and post to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all from within G+ (loaded and going to try this one)

4. Do ย Shareย ~ fantastic extension by Tzafrir Rehan to schedule your Google+ posts and it now works for personal profile and pages. Quick, easy and makes sharing balanced and it will automatically number your posts for the day or not, your choice. Very flexible and helpful.

5. Check out my Google+ Goodies page on Pinterest for lots more Google+ resources.

My advice to Marlee and to you is to give it a chance! Spend ten minutes a day here and there for a week or two, engage with people on Google+, comment on posts, share some fun and interesting content and see what happens.

Want to dig in deeper? Read What the Plus by Guy Kawasaki which is all about how to use Google+, it is essentially the unofficial guide to G+. I wrote a guest chapter so look me up in Chapter 10+.

Are you on Google+? Finding it a challenge? Ask me some questions and let's get you grooving on Google+!


  1. Awesome Peggy!! I use Do Share, but had not heard about others. Maybe I should be using G+ more now.
    Thanks for sharing!!

    1. @malharbaraiย Yes, you should be on G+ more! Once you find your crew of G+ friends (BTW there are a lot of #PinChat friends) and engage a bit, I think you will really like it. It is a fun community and the information seems more fresh to me than Facebook which is the same content being shared a lot.

  2. 6. Attend a Google+ Hangout – Everyone I’ve shown hangouts too has been converted. It’s also a great way to start a ‘bigger’ conversation about Google+’s place in the social ecosystem.

    1. @HelloBenTeohย Fabulous tip, Ben! I must admit I haven’t jumped into the hangoutsphere of Google+ but it is definitely rocking the platform.
      How are you using Hangouts? For social connection? Business?

  3. Excellent article. Another good tip is to follow me. :+)ย 
    Seriously this is a great set of tips for first time users. People need to understand that the key to G+ is not so much the posting is the interaction that follows. If you don’t respond to comments made on your posts or if you dont comment on other peoples posts then you miss out on what makes G+ so great. I have gone from making random posts and comments to a more serious style of posting, serious as it making them worth looking at, reading and commenting on.
    A real tip. Be creative with your circles. Separating people by circles to enjoy what they post based on the kind of topics they post about can help enjoy more of the stuff people post. Helps miss less of the stuff you really wanna see.

  4. I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable, great post.

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