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All Things Facebook

Facebook is still rocking the social world and it is more important that ever to stay on top of all the tips and tricks. It seems like everyday a new change pops up and then you need to rethink your strategy and tweak your overall plan. I hope that you take the time to check out a few of these tips in this week's Fab Five Friday on All Things Facebook!

1. Facebook Apps are a great way to use your Facebook real estate wisely. I love theย Pinvolve appย which incorporates your Pinterest page with your Facebook page. Great article on Pinvolve on TechCrunch:ย Pinvolve Converts Facebook Pages into Pinterest Pinboards, Increases Repins by 150%

2. More Facebook apps

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/suzanne_doughty/status/256513692345176064″]

3. How to Improve Facebook Fan Engagement with Amy Porterfield and Andrea Vahl {hit refresh if you don't see the Slideshare from Storify}

4.12 Most Powerful Ways to Create Facebook Engagement by Rebekah Radice

“Visit your page frequently and actively connect with your fans. Engaging daily with your community is the quickest and most effective way to build trust and credibility.”

5. How to Achieve Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds and Actions by Guy Kawasaki.

Use these fantastic tips to create engagement and success on Facebook as well as in life.
Enchantment Infographic
I hope you found a few tips to pimp out your Facebook fan page and create more engagement. How do create interest and generate engagement on your Facebook fan page?

Featured image courtesy ofย THEMACGIRL*ย via Creative Commons.

Article by Peg Fitzpatrick


  1. I think I’m fast realizing that I’m not going to be a Facebook expert…I think the medium is confusing for marketers, and how can we practitioners always stay ahead of these changes and walk the talk?ย 
    What I also think is that this is OK…I read what all of you (Amy Porterfield, Michael Selzner (?), Mari Smith, Peggy Fitzpatrick) are teaching, and I say more power in that room.ย 

    1. @Soulati | B2B Social Media Marketingย Hi Jayme!
      Facebook has certainly changed from the place where we chatted with friends and family to THE place that business is happening on the web. The complexity and depth of Facebook marketing and page management is keeping people on their toes, that’s for sure!
      I appreciate your thoughts and value your opinion, as always!

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