
5 branding tuneup tips

How is your social media presence? When's the last time you gave it an overall tuneup? Being consistent throughout your social media presence is very important but one of the things that happens when you're busy is that you lose touch of the overall picture when you are focusing on the smaller details. Today's fab five Friday will be a little brush up for your social media brand.

Tip 1: You already have a personal brand

What is a personal brand?

It is you. Your story. This intimate story is portrayed via an overall message that weaves throughout your communications and social media platforms.

The essential element in creating your personal brand is toย be authentic. ee cummings said, โ€œit takes courage to grow up and be who you are.โ€ Donโ€™t copy someone elseโ€™s style: be yourself! Being an imitation of the most fabulous thing imaginable is still just an imitation, and people catch on to this behavior very quickly. Consider your avatar to be your logo: keep it fresh and real.

Resource: I'm Brand New and You Can Be too!

Tip 2: Check your personal brand consistency

Personal brand has become a bad buzzword but the reality is that from your first tweet, post or Instagram share, you are creating your personal brand. This is what people see of you from your profile photo, bio and the content that you share.

It is smart to present the best possible version of yourself while remaining true to who you really are. Donโ€™t create a personal branding mask, create a more polished better version of you.ย Your personal brand should be who you are and who you want to be.

Be honest with your personal brand and it will be remarkably easy to maintain. {click to tweet}

โ€œI am going to make you a starโ€ doesnโ€™t have to be a bad thing. Here are a few tips:

  • Be yourself
  • Be unique
  • Be consistent

Resource: Are you ready for your closeup?

Tip 3: Rock that Google+ Profile!

Google+ has the best profile real estate and, of course, using is properly gives you a Google boost in search.

Check outย my Google+ Aboutย section for some ideas. Itโ€™s really helpful to add a section at the top with circles that you would fit into. What does this mean? What are you interested in? These are the things that you would want people to find you to discuss. Make sure you take advantage of the rich area to link your other profiles and links to other areas of interest such as your blog, Twylah page, Plus.es page or maybe Facebook pages you manage.

google+ profile

Resource: Basic tips for the new Google+ user

Tip 4: Profile photo or avatar

Use the same photo on ALL your social media spaces so that people will recognize you. Make a quick check of Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and your gravatar to make sure your face is everywhere consistently.

No logos or graphics on personal profiles, we connect with photos of people. Makes sense, right?

Resource: Tips for a fabulous social media profile

Tip 5: Create an About.me page

Think of About.me as an online business card where you can show all your contact information in one fell swoop. This gives people who love only certain networks, like Facebook or Twitter, to see a bigger picture of your online landscape. About.me pages are especially good for people who don't have their own website or blog.

My About.Me page

about me page

Resource: 10 Reasons Why You Should Use About.me

There you have it, your weekend project: spiff up your social presence! It may take a little time but aren't you worth it?

Featured image courtesy ofย ย ffunymanย via Creative Commons.

One Comment

  1. Always great content… Branding is important & this is a great barometer check.

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