1. I love that feature too, Laura! What’s your favorite Trello feature?

    Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. I am a Trello super fan. I use it for catching all of my ideas (anywhere, any time of day, no matter how absurd they may turn out to be), all of our household management, scheduling, work with VAs, and everything to do with blogging.

    I love so many things about it. The main selling point that converted me from Evernote and Wunderlist is the ability to embed images on cards and use colourful labels. So simple but happy-inducing for this visually-centric girl.

    One tip I had forgotten was the ability to drag urls into cards. I had been attaching them. Thanks for the refresher. I can’t wait to see what they add next. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Peg I LOVE your blog and have really started to put more effort into my blog being visual.
    Thank you for sharing this, I just started using Trello and I love the checklist, that is now what I create my daily to do list on, and just check it off.

    I will be customising it with colours and picture now as well.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. If Trello wouldn’t exist yet, we would have to invent it! I just love it!

    Again and again I am amazed how seamlessly this tool is working.
    I totally love the new feature of adding URL’s to a card. Also, saved searches are a fantastic way to leverage productivity, particularly when you have used a few operators in your search.

  5. Peg,

    How do you feel that Trello compares to Evernote and Todoist? I try to use Evernote to keep my projects organized (hahaha) and Todoist is my everyday go to To Do Bible.

    1. Hello Joshua,

      I use Evernote for different things – keeping notes and ideas but it ever integrated into my workflow as much as Trello. I haven’t used Todoist yet. What do you like about it?

  6. That was a very nice and useful post. I like the writing way that you have shown here.
    I am awaiting for your post. Please keep posting.

  7. Hey Peg,

    This was a great review of trello. It sounds like a great tool if you are working in a team environment. I work in IT and although we have a small team this would be perfect for us sense we all specialize in different areas.

    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Awesome post Peg!
    This Trello guide is not limited to social media management but to overall work! And I loved that excel tip, its so handy ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. Till now, I used Trello for bug tracking and connected with Usersnap. Now that I am about to start working on social media, Trello is going to help there too!

    Thanks Peg ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Hi Peg,

    This might seem like a silly question, but wondering how you transfer photos/information from Trello to Instagram??


  11. Thank you for the great article and tips! I love Trello! I wish I had known about it a long time ago. Started using it last week and got a few boards set up. Then yesterday I stumbled upon a new, and extremely similar app called Meister Task! It kind of looks like they copied Trello actually, but it’s better in some ways and I noticed on their Facebook that they’re pushing out more features regularly. It has a nice UI which will have me using it more often and includes an optional timer for each task. If you do mind mapping, they also have MindMeister which allows your to turn your map into tasks on Meister Task. I really thought I was going to stick with Trello anyway until I noticed that Meistar Task has an ‘import from Trello’ feature. haha ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Peg

    Thank You so much for this article – Trello is newly found love of mine and I found it very useful! Would you mind sharing how (or a link to how) to create a link to allow someone to add a board I created to their current board – as you did in the above link “Personal and Work Goals” I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You

  13. I am ALWAYS so very late to the party and have only just discovered Trello, but heckity pie it’s changing my life and this overview has only confirmed that. Consider this a belated thank-you.

  14. Thanks for this. I too am late to the party and have only just discovered how great Trello is for me and my clients, I couldn’t be without it now!

  15. Trello sounds intriguing. I cherish what you’ve finished with the spot, your site has such a contemporary crisp feel to it.

  16. Hi Peg,
    thank you for this great article. I would like to push things further and wonder if there is a way to post a card’s description due date based to social media like Facebook. This would be extremely helpful and keep things in one place. I have googled a lot (that’s how I found your article) but couldn’t find anything.
    Kind regards

  17. Hi Peg.

    Thanks so much for posting this! I’ve been struggling away with excel spreadsheets to manage my work flows and content for my small business. After stumbling across your blog I opened a Trello account and I LOVE it ๐Ÿ˜€

    This will make a real difference to the way work now.

    Thanks again


  18. Hi Peg! Loved hearing you speak at the Megaphone Summit last month. I’ve been considering Trello since then and when I searched for it today, this post came up! I wonder if you could go into a little more detail on how this can be used for social media like Instagram. For example, can you plan your feed layout like you can with apps like Plann? I’d like to use as few “systems” as possible so I’m just curious. Thanks! And thanks again for your time at Megaphone!

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