
Are you a Blogger?

I have been asked this question many times since I have been on Twitter. I have continually said no because I did not have a concept that I felt I wanted to offer to the already vast number of blogs that exist. ย Being at the #unGeeked elite retreat I was surrounded by a roomful of intelligent, dynamic people that inspired me in so many different ways but most importantly just to think, share and grow. It helped me to realize that I have more than just a voice on Twitter or Facebook. I spiffed up my Twitter handle from @pegsta1 to @pegfitzpatrick and here I am.

One thing that really got me thinking was a very kind tweet from someone that I greatly respect: “@relevance #FF @pegsta1 I wish she blogged -what she does in 140 characters makes me want to see what she'd do with 500 words.” ย Hmmmm

Then I had an awesome experience at my very first #blogchat which my friend @TobeyDeys urged me to attend. At this chat I was discussing a blog post with @JessicaLenvin and I tweeted this: ”ย @JessicaLevin How about how not to lose your audience? #blogchat

And it inspired Heidi Cohen, a blogger whom I greatly admire, to write this post: How Not to Lose Your Audienceย http://heidicohen.com/how-not-to-lose-your-audience/. I love that Heidi knows who she is, when she enters a chat she says “Hi, I am Heidi and I blog.”

A tweet from a new friend Jen during #ungeeked: “@jenhowver my new friend @pegsta1 is a super connecter… if u haven't met her yet, u will! #ungeeked

One last tweet by me from #ungeeked after being asked by a Discussion Leader, who here blogs: ย “Who blogs at #ungeeked? Everyone but me. #GoTeam!!”

What do all these things have in common? Well, this was finalized in a conversation with one more friend, Daniel Newman (@danielnewmanUV)in which we discussed blogging and themes. ย  He told me that I was a connector, which is true. Friends have the amazing gift of knowing you in ways that you do not see yourself.ย Since I have returned from #Ungeeked I have been sending intro tweets all over the place so my old friends could meet my new friends and while I was at the conference I tweeted out everything I could so that my friends could also benefit from the great things I was learning. If you were at the conference, I did my best to say hello and get to know you.

So this is the theme of my blog: Connecting the Dots: people and ideas coming together.

Thank you to Ted, Heidi, Tobey, Jessica, Jen and Daniel for their inspiration and thank you for reading my first post. I look forward to growing and connecting with you.


  1. When you and I talked about this, and why you donโ€™t blog, you said you have no ideas to blog about. I said โ€œnonsenseโ€. You have plenty of thoughts and ideas, you just need to capture them โ€” make what was before just a fleeting notion, concrete.

    Welcome to the blogosphere, Peggy โ€” looking forward to your writings on everything you didnโ€™t know you already knew ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You already knew you were a connector. Geez!

  2. I am delighted to have played a small part in what will surely be a fine addition to the body of content on connecting and networking.

    Speak from your heart as you now tweet, and remember to see things from the eye of your prospective reader (relevance).

    I look forward to your insights and warm personality shining through your words.

  3. I think connectors are some of the most interesting bloggers. You’ve got a unique eye for alignment, connection and integration. It’s what makes you such a great connector and a great connection to those of us who’ve had the opportunity to meet you IRL.

    Happy to add you to the blogroll on my website — and on the list of valued friends and thought leaders.

  4. You are my hero Peggy! Way to take action and make something great happen. I know it will be good for you to put your thoughts into more than 140 characters, and it will be great for those of us who get to benefit from those thoughts! So humbled to be included in this post. Love ya!

  5. Peggy–

    Congrats on stepping into the blogging fray! Just consistently keep stepping up to the plate.

    Also, thank you for the kind words.

    Happy marketing,
    Heidi Cohen

  6. I can’t even remember how I got here, either through twitter or Empire Avenue but this is a great start! Hope to read more.

  7. Great Work getting going on your blog.

    Whoever finally convinced you to do it…I give her credit (it has to be a her)

    Anyhow, part of your branding goals start here. Be consistent and focus on not just delivering content, but make sure it is meaningful.

    You will do great!

    Keep Connecting.


  8. I’m honored to have known ya when you were simply Pegsta1. But I much prefer being connected to @pegfitzpatrick!

    Your post is awesome, and I love being reminded of so many wonderful people who were at #ungeeked.

    You know what, though? This post would be even cooler if you used Storify or Amplify…which takes the actual tweets or articles or whatever…and embeds them into your blog. Tres coolio!

    But no matter! This is great work, and I’m proud to know ya, PF!

  9. Great post Peg!

    I simply love watching you walk in your magnificence! It’s fabulous that you will be sharing more of you. You are brilliant…with a dash of sass…and much to offer to many! I am delighted to call you a friend! Soar baby! Soar!


  10. Peggy,

    That is a beautiful post. It is exactly what blogging should be for, in my opinion. The soil in which Twitter seeds can take some root. The anchoring for deeper connections. The space where smaller things can breathe a bit. And I love how you bring you Twitter conversations right down into it!

    the best. Looking forward to more of your thoughts!


  11. Welcome to the world of blogging. Your first post is a winner. Best of luck to you.

  12. Pegsta, great first post. I look forward to seeing more from you. As others have already said, You Rock. Whether <140 or more, I always look forward to what you have to say. You're one of the more engaging people on Twitter (pun intended) and I suspect that you'll be the same here.

  13. Hello Brian!

    I am so glad you found me via Tobey – she is very special. I appreciate your reading & commenting. See you in #BlogChat!

  14. How great that you know you are a “connector.” It’s like knowing your blog purpose. Your blurpose?

  15. Hello Ryan! So nice to meet you here. My “blurpose” is awesome! Thanks so much.

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